Friday, July 11, 2008

lets begin.

ok so as stalker as i can be,
i came across tracey carlos'
blog and found claudettes
and nikki's and ceejay's
so i realized that i need one too.

not that my life is full of excitment.
its just fun to talk, to myself..?!
well, if someone is reading this
im talking to you, so thanks
for listening.

and btw, i usually type in these
little paragraphs because i dont
like typing so long on a line
because it ends up looking like this and then people have to scroll it and its just so annoying to me.
but if you do it...
no worries.

well i guess ill start off by explaining
what happened today. i totally woke up
all gross, of course turned on the tv
but i didnt even watch my fav shows
oc and oth on soapnet. i know
im wierd, but i love those shows.
well anyway, eric came over and thats
why i couldnt watch them.
but thanks to eric my new laptop is
working wireless. wooo, what a miracle worker.
anyway, i took the longest "nap" from 6pm-12am
and thats why im still awake
doing this blog.

i ramble alot a lil bit.
& im getting into that mode of summer
where i totally miss my friends.
just the thoughts of being away
from them makes me realize that
nothing lasts forever.
but good thing we have the memories.
so thanks for the memories, guys.
i love you.

paz con tigo,

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