the last time i did this thing i totally forgot
to mention we got a NEW puppy. shes 2 months old.
meeet BELLA, she is a chihuahua and a shih tzu. cute, right?

anyway wow its only JULY 15th and my brain hurts
from hearing about MSMC .well, im exaggerating.
but all i hear is "you better work hard"
or " if you fail, you're out". ok, its summer for one thing.
and another thing, i already know that!
i understand its crucial for me to do well in college especially
on that effin MOUNTAIN. grrrooooossssss.
it doesnt help hearing how hard its going to
be my freshmen year at the mount. it just a big
thing on my mind and it wont go away. as sad as it sounds
i cant even sleep most nights thinking ahead on whats
up next for me. all that work overwhelms me...
but on the bright side its always fun
to know i have friends and family( like kim) to help take my mind
off of all that bull.
conversations with sam and ceejay right now are helping me
not think about this caca. but yeah, one thing im excited for
is my new dorm and all that fun stuff. shopping for college is
way more fun to think about then actually learning in college,
so 10 days till my birthday. its my aunts 40 days mass that day...
on my birthday. and therefore my birthday will not be celebrated at all.
no party no fun. not that im mad and may she RIP, but im just dissappointed.
i always thought turning 18 was a big deal. but i guess it isnt,
its just another birthday. but i guess i shouldnt complain.
but one thing that made me smile today, concerning my birthday
was seeing this on tommys myspace blog:
"also celebrating these July birthdays:
Christine J. Gonda
Christine Vasquez
Tracey Carlos
Carissa Cruz
Aubrie Lorrimer
David Campos
Marc Evangelista"
ok its lame- i know, but it makes me happy to know
that people know it is my birthday. lol. im wierd.
judge me if you want, but little things like
that can make my day. ok now i sound stupid and petty.
enough with that, thanks btw. for listening to me ramble this much.
i think i have more to go.
theres been so much going through my mind lately.
school, money, my sisters wedding in oct, my life, people. there are so many times
that i just feel like giving up. sometimes its too much to handle.
but then i also realize that im not the only one in this world with problems.
some people have even bigger issues. so this is a way for me to vent
without making it seem like everyone should have their eyes
on me. i pray to JESUS that everyones problems go away, but
that is unlikely. but if you ever need anyone to vent to, im here.
and yes im talking to you. we all have problems, so if u have one
tell me. and i might just tell you the rest of mine, lol.
love you and good night. thanks for listening.
& guess what my title did have something to do with my entry
" i pray to JESUS" he is my homeboy. =]
paz con tigo,
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