happened on july 15. anyway, yeah.
ok its definitely that part of summer when i just am too lazy to do anything.
therefore, i did nothing. lol. i swear i woke up today at like 9AM. i had 5 hours of sleep
and yet i functioned perfectly, except the lazy part. anyway i watched my FAVORITE
shows on soapnet, the O.C & one tree hill. then i had to "clean." there are moments
when my mom gets mad and tells me to clean and do all this other stuff around
my house and therefore i "cleaned." which to me means, hide the mess!
but after that i had to go to NOHO train station like i've been doing random days
to pick up my mom and take her home. so the car ride was totally wierd because i
had no gas and managed to make it to the train station and to my house with like
the gas light thing on. anywhoo, i got home and then left for the airport to see my aunt
(who got back from the PI)
and get the wedding invitations from her for my sisters wedding.
but while i was at the airport i was conversating with oh so cute joanne.
we talked about how she is gonna be MISS UNIVERSE one day.
anyway, my day was uneventful
but i love you for reading this.
thanks and bye.
& if there are spelling mistakes, deal with it. =]

paz con tigo,
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